mardi 16 juin 2015

TN Requin making the grass appear green. In reality though

The world is full of colors, but little thought is actually spent on how they got those colors. We have a bright blue sky during sunny days, a blue ocean, a red and pink sunset, and green grass. All these colors are magnificent and pretty to look at, but do you know why they have these colors? Would you believe it if you were told everything was actually just white light?

White light is actually not just white. It�s composed of several other colors such as the colors you see in the rainbow. If you don�t believe it, try having a little experiment by yourself. Get a prism and place it under the sun�s light and watch it reflect a range of beautiful colors.

Nike TN But if white light has a huge variety of colors, where do the other colors go? Why is grass only green and not a mixture of blue, yellow, or purple?

The colors that you see are those that are reflected. That means all the other colors are absorbed or kept. Grass is green Tn Nike because it contains chlorophyll, which absorbs blue and red light and reflects or bounces off only the green light, giving grass a green color. But why does chlorophyll only keep the blue and red light, and not the green light?

All types of light have energy, and chlorophyll absorbs or keeps the colors containing the right energy to help in photosynthesis of plants. Through this, the plant can convert carbon dioxide and water to oxygen and glucose. Green is usually the leftover light that�s not absorbed and is then bounced off or reflected, making us see the grass as green.

So if you�re asked why the grass is green, now you know that it�s green because it absorbs or keeps all the other colors and bounces off green light. This green light is what our eyes see, making the grass appear green. In reality though, it keeps a whole lot more of other colors that our naked eye won�t see.

Light is a very interesting subject and it�s more than just the visible light that we see. If you want to understand TN Requin more about why the grass is green, or why the sky is blue, you can try reading about the electromagnetic spectrum, which if simply put, is basically just the types of light out there, like infrared, x-rays, ultraviolet rays, and radio waves.

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