jeudi 18 juin 2015

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When we speak to producers/owners of film, TV and digital animation projects it always seems to be late. Late in respect to getting the financing they need for their projects. That's why it's never been as important a time as now to consider film funding and financing for TV and digital animation projects via the production tax incentive offered by Canadian provincial and federal governments.The reality is that the Canadian tax credits available to you are currently some of the best administered and most generous in the world.Using these credits is of course a solid way to help ' cash flow' your film. And with the right assistance, team and advisors you can creatively even pre-fund the tax incentive prior to final filing; of course eliminating then waiting for your cheque from the government.And by they way, it's certainly not a complicated process. We liken it with clients to a simply business financing application, one of course that is supplemented with key info on your production such as a budget that clearly that will be the essence of the tax credit application.Naturally we spoke of a key advantage of the tax credit which was the ever elusive cash flow required to complete your project. But don't forget also that its a well worn and proven saying in any business financing that ' debt is cheaper than equity ' so we can safely say that by maximizing your tax credit component you naturally enhance and retain equity , i.e. the ownership in your project . Bottom line, why give up equity when you don't have to with a solid alternative such as tax credit film funding. And don't forget that applies to TV and the growing digital media projects also.Canada seems to continue to view in a very positive manner the impact the genres of film, TV and digital media have on the overall Canadian economy. Issues such as employment and future tax revenues seem to drive the Nike Shox overall thinking.Canadian tax credit financing is Requin Tn not that fragmented as in the U.S. and other parts of the world. Each of the provinces work closely with the federal government which promotes a solid co operative effort.Many Air Max 90 U.S. and other producers in both digital media and other genres are opening Canadian offices. Gaming and video has become the fastest growing segment of the industry. It used to be mainly because of the Canadian $ exchange rate, that clearly is not longer the reason. Canada, aka ' Hollywood North' has clearly evolved into a major center for film, special effects, and gaming. One studio estimated that it costs 1/5 of the expense to create a VFX Green Room in Vancouver as opposed to L.A...And don't forget our subject matter today, which is thanks to a guy named DAVE. Dave is the acronym for the Digital Animation Visual Effects tax credit which provides, as an example a 50% tax incentive credit on labor Because major Canadian centers such as Toronto, Vancouver and Montreal have great talent pools for the industry that allows the labor portion of the tax credit to be maximized - and that's a good thing, translating into extra cash and working capital for your projects.In Ontario for example tax credits are actually an ' online ' process for application, with major effort having gone into streamlining the process and approval times.To finalize and finance your tax credit you need two critical team members, a tax credit expert who can maximize your claim, as well as an experienced Canadian business financing advisor who can cash flow and finance your tax credit for the obvious benefits we have mentioned.So, it's getting late. Do you know where your tax credit and financing is? Speak to a Canadian Expert for film and digital animation financing of your next production.

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