jeudi 18 juin 2015

Air Jordan

I was recently listening to a radio program discussing the pros and cons of the letter writing generation and the Facebook era. I am from the latter and a big fan of the possibilities it represents. However I think it is nice to compare these two forms of communication.

I think a letter has a certain romanticism about it. I have always found receiving post through the mail rather exciting and it is not quite the same as receiving something in your online mailbox. Stamps, postmarks and the actual physicality of it being hand delivered just make it that little more special. Imagine all the life dramas and romances that postmen used to deliver, now it is mainly bills and circular junk mail.

Facebook may not be a romantic but it also has its own unique advantages. It offers you the possibility to communicate quickly and efficiently with people all over the world. My sister recently Overseas Removal moved overseas but with the assistance of Facebook we can chat everyday and she is able to keep up to date with all the gossip back home! I have also become re-united with a lot of long lost friends and it is a nice way to be Nike Tn able to keep in touch.

Whilst I may think of myself as a woman of the digital age, I am certainly not undermining the older ways of corresponding. Indeed I would never offer condolences over the Internet and when thanking people for birthday gifts I would always send a letter in the post. I suppose it still seems proper and correct. I can imagine this Nike Free Run may become outdated in the future and even further in the future the Nike Tn mail may become redundant altogether. Until then, I am going to go and post some cheques for my utility bills, terribly old fashioned I know!

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